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Privacy Policy

Under the cybercrime laws and consumer privacy protection laws of Sharjah and Dubai, UAE, Iconic Auto Spare Parts Tr is committed to protecting our customers’ information gathered through this and all partner websites, social media pages, phones, and other channels of communication with our customers.

All credit or debit cards’ details and personally identifiable information will not be stored, sold, shared, rented, or leased to any third parties.

The debit or credit card details are never shared or passed on to any third party.

Iconic Auto Spare Parts Tr might change its terms and conditions and privacy policy to adhere to any uprising or modern requirements and challenges. We encourage our visitors to constantly visit these pages to be aware of all the changes. The policies should be effective from the day of publication.

Here are some privacy concerns and their answers:


We might get a few or all of the below information:

Billing first name, billing second name, phone number, email address, billing address

All the order information as entered by the sender


We only store the following information for our records:

Billing first name, billing second name, phone number, email address, billing address

All the order information as entered by the sender

We do not store credit card information, debit card information, or any kind of customer password.


This website is secured and protected. A number of measures are taken to ensure the security of data. Including installations of anti-malware, anti-spyware, anti-phishing, and other software, security certifications such as site lock are also installed.

We assure our customers that all the information they enter on the site is completely secure and confidential.

Use of data

By entering the information, customers agree to the terms under which their email will be used to send them promotional emails. We might use data gathered through the aforementioned channels to personalize products and messages for customers. We may send weekly emails for promotions. At Iconic Auto Spare Parts Tr., harassment is taken extremely seriously. The customers have the right to unsubscribe and will never be bothered again.

Iconic Auto Spare Parts Tr reserves the right to disclose data to security officials on court orders in accordance with local laws whenever required.


We might use cookies and other web technologies for a number of reasons, including the provision of the best services and assistance in order placement and the ease of usability of the website.

Cookies are the best way to store your sessions and easily access the website later. When the sessions are stored, you can easily navigate throughout the website while your information is stored for you to use at checkout again.

Please be informed that this website is loaded with Google Analytics Tracking Code, which records visits and user behavior and patterns throughout the website. Google tracking codes may use cookies stored on your site for statistical purposes. These statistics are solely used for our records, studies, and improvements to our business and website.

Privacy Policy of Other Websites

Iconic Auto Spare Parts Tr is not responsible for any privacy policy of the website associated with Iconic Auto Spare Parts Tr or to which it links, points, or partners.


Iconic Auto Spare Parts Tr does not allow minors (any person under the age of 18) to use its website. We don’t intentionally acquire or collect minors’ information in any way.

Correction to Data

For any corrections or updates to your order, please email us at
